##New Feature MKFLPatch 1.1 :
1. Standalone Patch
2. Include Patch 1.03 & DLC 4.00
3. Includes newest kitserver13 Final
4. Removed blur
5. Fantasy Leagues Mode:
a. Pro Fantasy League
b. Indonesia Super Fantasy League
c. Super Fantasy League
d. King Premier League
e. Divisi One
6. New scoreboard : MKFLPatch TV by moozyedogawa
7. TURF PATCH V1.0 final version by Dr. Hany
1. Standalone Patch
2. Include DLC 3.0
3. Gameplay tool 2013
4. Fantasy Leagues Mode: Super Fantasy League, King Premier League & Divisi One
5. Add Scoreboard : ESPN HD & FIFA Scoreboard
6. Add Gloves : ADIDAS B&W, ADIDAS BL&W, Adidas Predator EURO12, ADIDAS
Response Green Blue, NIKE B&Y, PUMA Y&B, REUSCH B&R and NIKE W
##List League MKFLPatch :
Pro Fantasy League :
1. South Borneo Fc
2. Dragon Fc
3. Real Falah Putera Fc
4. Phenom Fc
5. Galacticos Fc
6. Sneda Fc
7. Rhea United
8. Dynamic Rhea
9. Persis Fc
10. Jorox-6 Fc
11. Legacy United
12. Lastgen Tib Fc
13. Samba Fc
14. Immersion Fantasy Team
15. Pisces Fc
16. Genxsube United Fc
17. Nusantara Fc
18. Margonda United Fc
19. Real Ngawi United
20. Butterfly Fc
Indonesia Super Fantasy League :
1. Smansa Solid
2. Pondok Utama Fc
3. Karanganyar 37
4. Jarnee Soccer Team
5. Mastrans Trenggalek
6. Kencana Fc
7. Fc Pelita Denpasar
8. Vxenz City Fc
9. Arimbi Fc
10. United Nine One
11. Raya Solo Fc
12. Fc Galaxy 17
13. Persinga Fc
14. Barru Fc
15. Fc Denpasar Warriors
16. Fortuna Yamagata
17. Perseboji
18. Benua Raya Fc
19. Kapitan Stars Fc
20. Generus Selection
Super Fantasy League :
1. Ict Fc
2. Legok King Aries Baya Fc
3. Tulungagung Metro Jaya Fc
4. Royal Niaga Fc
5. Silver Rust Fc
6. Xfour Fc
7. Godil Fc
8. Sata United Fc
9. Merak Jowo Fc
10. Smk N2 Dumai
11. Rarakuta Fc
12. Exact Two Fc
13. Ix G United
14. Glekano United
15. Sakaw Fc
16. Fourteen United Fc
17. Sabah
18. Sangiang Putra
King Premier League :
1. Angkasa Putera Fc
2. Bataqiah Team
3. Blacklist United
4. Blackpearl City
5. Dayak Fc, Tetap
6. Dynasty Ashoka
7. Empty Full Fc
8. Garuda Timur Fc
9. Start Eleven
10. Perintis City
11. Perintis United
12. Sultan Queen Fc
13. Real Green Fc
14. Winged Axe Fc
15. Zulaikha Fc
16. Aura Fc
17. Fc Balado
18. Mitra Titan
Divisione League :
1. Phenom B
2. Assalam Fc
3. Dinzan Fc
4. Salalak Fc
5. Tajau Pecah Fc
6. Uni Vancok Fc
7. Unity In Diversity
8. Planet Fc, Baru
9. Taruna Marunting Fc
10. Invincible Fc
11. Rarakuta U23
12. Real Mendova Boys
DLC 4.0 di download dulu sebelum install MKFLPatch v1.1 kalo sudah ada lewat aja:
zippyshare : :
Part 1
Part 2
klo sudah letak filenya (dt0f.img & pes13pv.sfd) di :
Win 7 : C:\ProgramData\KONAMI\Pro Evolution Soccer 2013\download
Win XP : C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\KONAMI\Pro Evolution Soccer 2013\download
##DOWNLOAD MKFLPatch 2013 v1.1 via IDWS
Part 1 (100mb)
Part 2 (100mb)
Part 3 (100mb)
Part 4 (95mb)
##DOWNLOAD MKFLPatch 2013 v1.1 via Putlocker (Single Link)
##How To Use:
1. Install Moozy King Fantasy League 1.1
2. Start the game via Launcher (Moozy King Fantasy League 1.1.exe) in your desktop.
##Credit :
1. Team Patcher : moozyedogawa & Team Submitter MKFLPatch
2. Kits : D’nank Sparrow, gs pashter12, Tedixs_bx, moozyedogawa & Team Submitter MKFLPatch
3. Faces : moozyedogawa & Team Submitter MKFLPatch
4. Graphic Mods : moozyedogawa & Ginda
5. Tools : Kitserver by Jenkey & juce, Pes Editor by w!Ld@, Game Graphic Studio by
obocaman, PES Ultimate Data Explorer & PES2013 Ultimate Editor by barcafan & Boots
Changer by Micha³17Widzew (We are using these tools to edit the game).
6. Thanks To : PESJP, PESEDIT, GURURUPA INDOESIA, Team Submitter MKFLPatch & Pro
Evolution Soccer Indonesian Forum (Group FB)
NB :
- Sebelum menginstal MKFLPatch v 1.1 harap delete MKFLPatch v 1.0
karena filenya berbeda. MKFLPatch v 1.1 statusnya All in One jadi tidak
update untuk MKFLPatch v1.0.
- Yang Klubnya tidak terdaftar di List MKFLPatch 1.1, bisa daftarkan kembali di edisi berikutnya atau update MKFLPatch.
- Untuk fitur Game Play Tool Jenkey di tiadakan di MKFLPatch.
- Fitur Scoreboard yang versi 1.0 di tiadakan. Fitur Gloves di selector versi 1.0 di tiadakan.
- Untuk pemain bintang setiap tim di tiadakan.
sumber :